DoD - significado y definición. Qué es DoD
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Qué (quién) es DoD - definición

DOD (disambiguation); Dod; D O D; D. O. D.; Dod (disambiguation); D.O.D.

  • Defense Spending as a Percent of GDP (1792–2017)
  • Department of Defense organizational chart (December 2013)
  • date=March 2018}}
  • Combatant command areas of responsibility
  • President Truman signs the National Security Act Amendment of 1949.
  • Joint Chiefs of Staff/Joint Staff organizational chart
  • Total United States Defense Outlays 1962–2024, $millions (2019-2024 estimated)
1. <body> Department of Defense. 2. Dial on Demand. (2000-03-25)
  • Defense Spending as a Percent of GDP (1792–2017)
  • Department of Defense organizational chart (December 2013)
  • date=March 2018}}
  • Combatant command areas of responsibility
  • President Truman signs the National Security Act Amendment of 1949.
  • Joint Chiefs of Staff/Joint Staff organizational chart
  • Total United States Defense Outlays 1962–2024, $millions (2019-2024 estimated)
·vt To cut off, as wool from sheep's tails; to lop or clip off.
  • Defense Spending as a Percent of GDP (1792–2017)
  • Department of Defense organizational chart (December 2013)
  • date=March 2018}}
  • Combatant command areas of responsibility
  • President Truman signs the National Security Act Amendment of 1949.
  • Joint Chiefs of Staff/Joint Staff organizational chart
  • Total United States Defense Outlays 1962–2024, $millions (2019-2024 estimated)
¦ abbreviation (in the US) Department of Defense.



DOD, Dod and DoD may refer to:

Ejemplos de pronunciación para DoD
1. Man-dodos.
The New Science of De-extinction _ Helen Pilcher _ Talks at Google
2. How about dodos?
The New Science of De-extinction _ Helen Pilcher _ Talks at Google
3. it's vetted by DOD --
4. OK, said the DOD.
The Scientifie of Maximizing Human Potential _ Steven Kotler _ Talks at Google
5. Anthony Dod Mantle.
The Accidental Apprentice _ Vikas Swarup _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de DoD
1. It reaffirms our commitment in DOD to treat humanely those individuals under DOD control.
2. And if access is granted, the non–DOD agency must be escorted and observed by a trained, certified DOD member.
3. And if access is granted, the non-DOD agency must be escorted and observed by a trained, certified DOD member.
4. Today Im pleased to announce the revised and re-issued DOD directive 2310.01E -- or echo -- entitled "The Department of Defense Detainee Program." This revised directive provides the overarching DOD policy guidance on detention operations conducted by DOD worldwide.
5. Department of Defense (DoD). The agency manages research and development projects for the DoD and pursues research in technology areas where the risk can be very high, but success provides dramatic capability advances for the DoD.